Tuesday, 4 October 2016

NDM: Snapchat TV #7

Snapchat TV:
The business has gone across multi-platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. The new stream will happen every week on Bleacher reports Snapchat on Sunday throughout the football season. Snapchat are aware of its football fanatic users and want to maintain as well as gain more users by developing this online series. Snapchat are attempting to do a weekly TV show made by a digital football network known as Copa90. The head of Copa90 states that the new show will not be anything like 'telly' and will be true to the Snapchat users experience.  Snapchat also launched its own show known as Good Luck America, which is about the US elections. Snapchat users are becoming ever more used to and engaging with video/visual content on the platform.

  • 11,000,000 global subscribers
  • 10 million daily active users were watching Snapchat's Rio Olympics coverage
  • Snapchat to recieve £10 billion in revenue due to this
Own view
Snapchat have introduced a feature that offers what TV doesn't, which is interacting with the youth culture. In my opinion, I think Snapchat is changing the face of social networking, similarly to how Facebook were the pioneers of online chats. Snapchat has basically found a well loved TV series, that gained millions of people, but was dying out. Snapchat re-invented this series and revived it in a way that will regain the audience that was missing. Snapchat is making with the trend, the trend that the youth are the next audience for visual and video content and not TV.

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