Drug Enforcement Administration Will Not Call for Reclassifying Marijuana
Source 2-http://www.centeronaddiction.org/newsroom/press-releases/2011-national-teen-survey-finds
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration said Thursday it will not call for reclassifying marijuana, dashing the hopes of advocates of legalization and rejecting calls from some states and members of Congress who say growing knowledge and public acceptance should result in looser regulations.
Drugs listed in Schedule II include some illegal substances, including cocaine, but also such legal (though carefully controlled) drugs such as Demerol, Vicodin, Ritalin, and OxyContin. Most prescription drugs with a lower potential for abuse are in Schedules III to V — the higher the number, the fewer the restrictions.
Drugs listed in Schedule II include some illegal substances, including cocaine, but also such legal (though carefully controlled) drugs such as Demerol, Vicodin, Ritalin, and OxyContin. Most prescription drugs with a lower potential for abuse are in Schedules III to V — the higher the number, the fewer the restrictions.
American teens ages 12-17 who in a typical day spend any time on social networking sites are at increased risk of smoking, drinking and drug use, according to the National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse XVI: Teens and Parents, the 16th annual back-to-school survey conducted by CASAColumbia at Columbia University.
For the first time this year, the survey asked 12- to 17-year olds whether they spend time on Facebook, MySpace or other social networking sites in a typical day. 70% of teens report spending time on social networking sites in a typical day compared to 30% of teens who say they do not. This means that 17 million 12- to 17-year olds are social networking in a typical day.
For the first time this year, the survey asked 12- to 17-year olds whether they spend time on Facebook, MySpace or other social networking sites in a typical day. 70% of teens report spending time on social networking sites in a typical day compared to 30% of teens who say they do not. This means that 17 million 12- to 17-year olds are social networking in a typical day.